Pricing under RI w/o Endogenous Feedback
This document goes through a couple of examples for solving pricing under rational inattention without endogenous feedback using the DRIPs package.
to run and modify the following code (no software is needed on the local machine).
See Afrouzi and Yang (2020) for background on the theory.
Ex. 1A: One Shock Case
There is a measure of firms indexed by $i\in[0,1]$. Firm $i$ chooses its price $p_{i,t}$ at time $t$ to track its ideal price $p_{i,t}^*$. Formally, her flow profit is $-(p_{i,t}-p_{i,t}^*)^2$
We start by assuming that $p_{i,t}^*=q_t$ where
Here $q_t$ can be interpreted as money growth or the nominal aggregate demand. Therefore, the state-space representation of the problem is
Include the package:
using DRIPs;
nothing #hide
Assign value to deep parameters and define the structure of the problem
ρ = 0.6; #persistence of money growth
σ_u = 1; #std. deviation of shocks to money growth
nothing #hide
Primitives of the DRIP:
ω = 100;
β = 0.96^0.25;
A = [1 ρ; 0 ρ];
Q = σ_u*[1; 1];
H = [1; 0];
nothing #hide
ex1 = Drip(ω,β,A,Q,H);
nothing #hide
Measure Performance
using BenchmarkTools;
@benchmark Drip(ω,β,A,Q,H) setup = (ω = 100*rand()) # solves and times the function for a random set of ω's
memory estimate: 45.36 KiB
allocs estimate: 446
minimum time: 28.484 μs (0.00% GC)
median time: 100.153 μs (0.00% GC)
mean time: 113.236 μs (13.17% GC)
maximum time: 3.653 ms (95.32% GC)
samples: 10000
evals/sample: 1
ex1irfs = irfs(ex1, T = 20);
nothing #hide
Let's plot how the average price $p=\int_0^1 p_{i,t}di$ responds to a shock to money growth:
using Plots, LaTeXStrings; pyplot();
xlabel = "Time",
label = [L"Nominal Agg. Demand ($q$)" L"Price ($p$)"],
title = "IRFs to 1 Std. Dev. Expansionary Shock",
xlim = (1,ex1irfs.T),
lw = 3,
legend = :bottomright,
legendfont = font(12),
tickfont = font(12),
framestyle = :box)
We can also plot the IRFs of inflation $\pi_t\equiv p_t-p_{t-1}$ and output $y_t\equiv q_t-p_t$ to 1 percent expansionary shock to $q$:
p1 = plot(1:ex1irfs.T,ex1irfs.x[1,1,:]-ex1irfs.a[1,1,:],
title = L"Output ($y_t$)")
p2 = plot(1:ex1irfs.T,[ex1irfs.a[1,1,1];ex1irfs.a[1,1,2:end]-ex1irfs.a[1,1,1:end-1]],
title = L"Inflation ($\pi_t$)")
layout = (1,2),
xlim = (1,ex1irfs.T),
lw = 3,
legend = false,
tickfont = font(12),
framestyle = :box)
Ex. 1B: Two Shocks Case
Suppose now that $p_{i,t}^*=q_t-z_{t}$ where
Here $q_t$ can be interpreted as money growth and $z_{i,t}$ as an idiosyncratic TFP shock. Therefore,
Assign values:
ρ = 0.6; #persistence of money growth
σ_u = 1; #std. deviation of shocks to money growth
σ_z = √10; #std. deviation of idiosyncratic shock
nothing #hide
Specifying the primitives of the drip
ω = 100;
β = 0.96^0.25;
A = [1 ρ 0; 0 ρ 0; 0 0 0];
Q = [σ_u 0; σ_u 0; 0 σ_z];
H = [1; 0; -1];
nothing #hide
ex2 = Drip(ω,β,A,Q,H);
nothing #hide
Measure Performance
@benchmark Drip(ω,β,A,Q,H) setup = (ω = 100*rand()) # solves and times the function for a random set of ω's
memory estimate: 110.42 KiB
allocs estimate: 784
minimum time: 104.317 μs (0.00% GC)
median time: 241.705 μs (0.00% GC)
mean time: 252.607 μs (6.60% GC)
maximum time: 3.835 ms (90.94% GC)
samples: 10000
evals/sample: 1
ex2irfs = irfs(ex2, T = 20);
nothing #hide
To get the IRFs simply use the law of motion for actions:
p1 = plot(1:ex2irfs.T,[ex2irfs.x[1,1,:],ex2irfs.a[1,1,:]],
title = L"IRFs to $q$ shock");
p2 = plot(1:ex1irfs.T,[ex2irfs.x[1,2,:],ex2irfs.a[1,2,:]],
title = L"IRFs to $z$ shock");
plot(p1,p2, layout = (1,2),
xlabel = "Time",
label = [L"Agg. Demand ($q$)" L"Price ($p$)"],
xlim = (1,ex2irfs.T),
lw = 3,
legend = :bottomright,
legendfont = font(12),
tickfont = font(12),
framestyle = :box)
More IRFs:
p1 = plot(1:ex2irfs.T,ex2irfs.x[1,1,:]-ex2irfs.a[1,1,:],
title = L"Output ($q_0\to y_t$)");
p2 = plot(1:ex2irfs.T,[ex2irfs.a[1,1,1];ex2irfs.a[1,1,2:end]-ex2irfs.a[1,1,1:end-1]],
title = L"Inflation ($q_0\to \pi_t$)")
p3 = plot(1:ex2irfs.T,ex2irfs.x[1,2,:]-ex2irfs.a[1,2,:],
title = L"Output ($z_0\to y_t$)");
p4 = plot(1:ex2irfs.T,[ex2irfs.a[1,2,1];ex2irfs.a[1,2,2:end]-ex2irfs.a[1,2,1:end-1]],
title = L"Inflation ($z_0\to \pi_t$)")
plot(p1,p2,p3,p4, layout = (2,2),
xlim = (1,ex2irfs.T),
lw = 3,
legend = false,
tickfont = font(12),
framestyle = :box)
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