Replication of Mackowiak, Matejka and Wiederholt (2018)

This example replicates Mackowiak, Matejka and Wiederholt (2018) using the DRIPs package.

Binder to run and modify the following code (no software is needed on the local machine).

See Afrouzi and Yang (2020) for background on the theory.


Ex. 1: AR(2) Process

In this example, authors assume that the optimal action follows an AR(2) process,

\[\begin{aligned} x_t = \phi_1 x_{t-1} + \phi_2 x_{t-2} + \theta_0 \varepsilon_t \end{aligned}\]

Then, we can write a state-space form as:

\[\begin{aligned} \left[\begin{array}{c} x_t \\ x_{t-1} \end{array}\right] & = \underset{\mathbf{A}}{\underbrace{\left[\begin{array}{cc} \phi_1 & \phi_2 \\ 1 & 0\end{array}\right]}}\, \left[\begin{array}{c} x_{t-1} \\ x_{t-2} \end{array}\right] + \underset{\mathbf{Q}}{\underbrace{\left[\begin{array}{c} \theta_0 \\ 0\end{array}\right]}}\, \varepsilon_t \end{aligned}\]

We now characterize the optimal signal, $S_{t} = h_1 X_t + h_2 X_{t-1} + \psi_t$, as a function of $\phi_2$ and the capacity for information processing ($\kappa$).


Include the package:

using DRIPs, LinearAlgebra;
nothing #hide

Assign value to deep parameters and define the structure of the problem

β   = 1.0   ; # Time preference
θ0  = 1.0   ;

ϕ2_seq  = 0:0.02:0.9        ;      # sequence of values for the AR(2) parameter
n_ϕ     = length(ϕ2_seq)    ;

κ_seq   = 0.008:0.01:3.5    ;      # sequence of values for the information processing capacity
n_κ     = length(κ_seq)     ;

H   = [1; 0]    ;
Q   = [θ0 ; 0]    ;
nothing #hide

Replication of Figures (2) and (3)

Solve for different values of $\phi_2$:

κ   = 0.2   ; # fix κ for this exercise so we can vary ϕ2

h1  = zeros(n_ϕ,1)    ;
h2  = zeros(n_ϕ,1)    ;
h2norm = zeros(n_ϕ,1) ;

for i in 1:n_ϕ
    ϕ2  = ϕ2_seq[i] ;
    ϕ1  = 0.9 - ϕ2 ;
    A   = [ϕ1 ϕ2 ; 1.0 0.0] ;

    ex1a = Drip(κ,β,A,Q,H,fcap=true);

    h1[i] =[1]
    h2[i] =[2]
    h2norm[i] =[2]/[1] # normalize the first signal weight h1 to one

Here is the replication of Figure (2):

using Printf, LaTeXStrings, Plots; pyplot();
    title       = L"Optimal Signal, AR(2) processes with $\phi_1 + \phi_2 = 0.9$, $\kappa$ constant.",
    xlabel      = L"$\phi_2$",
    ylabel      = L"$h_2$(with $h_1$ normalized to 1)",
    label       = L"Signal Weight on $X_{t-1}$, $h_2$ (with $h_1$ normalized to 1)",
    legend      = :topleft,
    lw          = 2,
    color       = :black,
    xlim        = (0,0.9),
    xticks      = (0:0.1:0.9),
    titlefont   = font(10), legendfont = font(7), tickfont = font(7),
    size        = (650,300),
    grid        = :off, framestyle = :box)

Now, we solve for the signal weight and standard deviation of noise, for different values of $\kappa$

ϕ2   = 0.4           ;  # fix ϕ2 in this exercise so we can vary κ
ϕ1   = 0.99 - ϕ2     ;

A    = [ϕ1 ϕ2 ; 1.0 0.0] ;

ω_sol   = zeros(n_κ,1) ;
σz_sol  = zeros(n_κ,1) ;

for i in 1:n_κ
    κ = κ_seq[i] ;

    ex1b = Drip(κ,β,A,Q,H,fcap=true);

    h1temp =[1]
    h2temp =[2]

    ω_sol[i]  = 1.0 - (h2temp/h1temp)/(ϕ2 + (1.0-ϕ1)*(h2temp/h1temp)) ;
    ρ = (ω_sol[i] + (1.0-ω_sol[i])*ϕ1)/h1temp
    σz_sol[i] = ρ*Σ_z[1,1] ;

Below is the replication of Figure (3):

a = fill(NaN, n_κ, 1)

plot(κ_seq,[ω_sol[:,1] a],
    xlabel      = L"$\kappa$",
    label       = [L"Signal weight on $X_{t}$, $\omega$ (left axis)" L"St. dev. of noise  $\sigma_{\psi}$ (right axis)"],
    title       = L"Optimal signal as function of $\kappa$, AR(2) example.",
    linestyle   = [:solid :dash], color = [:black :gray40],
    xticks      = (0:1:3),
    xlim        = (-0.02,3.02),
    yticks      = (0:0.5:1),
    ylim        = (-0.01,1.01),
    lw          = 2, grid = :off, legend = :right,
    titlefont   = font(10), legendfont = font(8), tickfont = font(8),
    framestyle  = :box)
    linestyle   = :dash, color = :gray40,
    label       = "",
    xlim        = (-0.02,3.02),
    xticks      = false,
    yticks      = (0:6:12),
    ylim        = (-0.12,12.12),
    lw          = 2, tickfont = font(7),
    size        = (650,300),
    grid        = :off, framestyle  = :box)

Measure Performance

Benchmark the solution for random values of $\phi_2$:

using BenchmarkTools;
@benchmark Drip(κ,β,[0.9-ϕ2 ϕ2; 1.0 0.0],Q,H,fcap = true) setup = (ϕ2 = 0.9*rand())
  memory estimate:  431.52 KiB
  allocs estimate:  4150
  minimum time:     208.853 μs (0.00% GC)
  median time:      248.778 μs (0.00% GC)
  mean time:        305.579 μs (18.04% GC)
  maximum time:     6.972 ms (95.35% GC)
  samples:          10000
  evals/sample:     1

Benchmark the solution for random values of $κ$:

@benchmark Drip(κ,β,[0.5 0.4; 1.0 0.0],Q,H,fcap = true) setup = (κ = rand())
  memory estimate:  74.66 KiB
  allocs estimate:  729
  minimum time:     40.597 μs (0.00% GC)
  median time:      121.589 μs (0.00% GC)
  mean time:        215.463 μs (18.02% GC)
  maximum time:     7.279 ms (91.38% GC)
  samples:          10000
  evals/sample:     1

Ex. 2: AR(3) and ARMA(2,1) Processes

Here, we replicate the AR(3) and ARMA(2,1) examples in Mackowiak, Matejka and Wiederholt (2018). Using a similar method to the AR(2) case, we can write the law of motion of optimal actions as a state-space form.

Solve and Meausre Performance

The AR(3) Example


β       = 1.0           ;
θ0      = 1.0           ;
κ       = 10.8          ;

ϕ1      = 1.5           ;
ϕ2      = -0.9          ;
ϕ3      = 0.1           ;

A   = [ϕ1 ϕ2 ϕ3 ; 1 0 0 ; 0 1 0] ;
Q   = [θ0 ; 0; 0]   ;
H   = [1  ; 0; 0]   ;
nothing #hide


ex2a  = Drip(κ,β,A,Q,H;tol=1e-8);
nothing #hide

Measure performance for different values of $\kappa$:

@benchmark Drip(κ,β,A,Q,H;tol=1e-8) setup = (κ = 10*rand())
  memory estimate:  147.59 KiB
  allocs estimate:  1044
  minimum time:     150.313 μs (0.00% GC)
  median time:      554.403 μs (0.00% GC)
  mean time:        578.350 μs (7.45% GC)
  maximum time:     5.389 ms (83.21% GC)
  samples:          8625
  evals/sample:     1

To be consistent with MMW(2018), scale the signal vector so that the weight on the first element is one ($h_1 = 1$):

h1 = 1;
h2 =[2]/[1]
h3 =[3]/[1]

Print the weights:

s = @sprintf("  h1 = %5.3f, h2 = %5.3f, h3 = %5.3f", h1, h2, h3)  ;
println(s) ;
nothing #hide
  h1 = 1.000, h2 = -0.475, h3 = 0.053

Since we scaled the signal vector, we also need to adjust the noise in the signal accordingly:

AdjNoise   = 3.879
AdjPara_ex2a= AdjNoise*[1]

Calculate IRFs:

irf_ex2a = irfs(ex2a; T=30) ;
xirf_ex2a   = irf_ex2a.x[1,1,:]
xhatirf_ex2a= irf_ex2a.x_hat[1,1,:]

x     = zeros(3,30);
xhat_noise_ex2a = zeros(3,30);

for ii in 1:30
    if ii==1
        xhat_noise_ex2a[:,ii] =;
        xhat_noise_ex2a[:,ii] = A*xhat_noise_ex2a[:,ii-1]+(*')*(x[:,ii]-A*xhat_noise_ex2a[:,ii-1]);
xhat_noise_ex2a = xhat_noise_ex2a[1,:]*AdjPara_ex2a ;
nothing #hide

The ARMA(2,1) Example:


β       = 1.0           ;
θ0      = 0.5           ;
θ1      = -0.1          ;
κ       = 1.79          ;

ϕ1      = 1.3           ;
ϕ2      = -0.4          ;

A   = [ϕ1 ϕ2 θ1 ; 1.0 0.0 0.0 ; 0.0 0.0 0.0] ;
Q   = [θ0 ; 0.0; 1.0]   ;
H   = [1.0; 0.0; 0.0]   ;
nothing #hide


ex2b = Drip(κ,β,A,Q,H,tol=1e-8);
nothing #hide

Measure performance for different values of $\kappa$:

@benchmark Drip(κ,β,A,Q,H;tol=1e-8) setup = (κ = 2*rand())
  memory estimate:  109.88 KiB
  allocs estimate:  777
  minimum time:     116.629 μs (0.00% GC)
  median time:      400.173 μs (0.00% GC)
  mean time:        418.805 μs (6.45% GC)
  maximum time:     5.120 ms (87.81% GC)
  samples:          10000
  evals/sample:     1

To be consistent with MMW(2018), scale the signal vector so that the weight on the first element is one ($h_1 = 1$):

h1 = 1;
h2 =[2]/[1]
h3 =[3]/[1]

Print the weights:

s = @sprintf("  h1 = %5.3f, h2 = %5.3f, h3 = %5.3f", h1, h2, h3)  ;
println(s) ;
nothing #hide
  h1 = 1.000, h2 = -0.275, h3 = -0.069

Since we scaled the signal vector, we also need to adjust the noise in the signal accordingly:

AdjNoise    = 1.349
AdjPara_ex2b= AdjNoise*[1]

Calculate the IRFs

irf_ex2b     = irfs(ex2b; T=30) ;
xirf_ex2b    = irf_ex2b.x[1,1,:]
xhatirf_ex2b = irf_ex2b.x_hat[1,1,:]

x     = zeros(3,30);
xhat_noise_ex2b = zeros(3,30);

for ii in 1:30
    if ii==1
        xhat_noise_ex2b[:,ii] =;
        xhat_noise_ex2b[:,ii] = A*xhat_noise_ex2b[:,ii-1]+(*')*(x[:,ii]-A*xhat_noise_ex2b[:,ii-1]);
xhat_noise_ex2b = xhat_noise_ex2b[1,:]*AdjPara_ex2b ;
nothing #hide

Replication of Figure (5)

p1 = plot(1:30,[xirf_ex2a xhatirf_ex2a xhat_noise_ex2a],
    title       = "AR(3) example, optimal signal with i.i.d. noise",
    color             = [:black :gray20 :gray40], markerstrokecolor = [:black :gray20 :gray40],
    yticks      = (-0.8:0.4:1.6),
    ylim        = (-0.82,1.62))
p2 = plot(1:30,[xirf_ex2b xhatirf_ex2b xhat_noise_ex2b],
    title       = "ARMA(2,1) example, optimal signal with i.i.d. noise",
    color       = [:black :gray20 :gray40], markerstrokecolor = [:black :gray20 :gray40],
    yticks      = (0:0.1:0.6),
    ylim        = (-0.05,0.65))
    layout      = (1,2),
    label       = [L"$X_{t}$ to $\varepsilon_t$" L"$Y_t=E[X_t|I_t]$ to $\varepsilon_t$" L"$Y_t=E[X_t|I_t]$ to $\psi_t$"],
    marker      = [:circle :circle :star8], markercolor = [:black :false :gray40], markersize  = [3 5 5],
    legend      = :topright,
    xticks      = (0:2:30),
    xlim        = (0,30),
    lw          = 1.5,
    legendfont  = font(8), guidefont=font(9), titlefont=font(9), tickfont=font(8),
    size        = (700,300),
    grid        = :off, framestyle = :box)

Ex. 3: Price-setting with Rational Inattention

We now replicate the price-setting exercise in MMW (2018) and its comparison with the Woodford (2002) example. This corresponds to Figure (6) in their paper. The model structure is identifcal to our Example 1 (without strategic complementarity) and Example 2 (with strategic complementarity).

The Case with No Strategic Complementarity


ρ   = 0.9;        #persistence of money growth
σ_u = 0.1;          #std. deviation of shocks to money growth
nothing #hide

Primitives of the DRIP:

κ   = 0.62;
β   = 1.0;
A   = [1 ρ; 0 ρ];
Q   = σ_u*[1; 1];
H   = [1; 0];
ω   = 0.1


ex_opt   = Drip(κ,β,A,Q,H,fcap=true);
capa_opt = DRIPs.capacity(ex_opt) #returns capacity utilized in bits

Measure performance for different values of $\kappa$:

@benchmark Drip(κ,β,A,Q,H,fcap=true) setup = (κ = 2*rand())
  memory estimate:  206.02 KiB
  allocs estimate:  1988
  minimum time:     104.888 μs (0.00% GC)
  median time:      209.835 μs (0.00% GC)
  mean time:        427.268 μs (18.40% GC)
  maximum time:     31.527 ms (21.48% GC)
  samples:          10000
  evals/sample:     1

Calculate IRFs:

irfs_ex_opt = irfs(ex_opt, T = 12);
output_opt  = (irfs_ex_opt.x[1,1,:] - irfs_ex_opt.a[1,1,:]) ;
output_opt  = [0;output_opt] ;
nothing #hide

Now, to compare with Woodford (2002), assume that firms observe a noisy signal, $S_t = q_t + \zeta_t$ where $\zeta_t$ is an idiosyncratic noise. We first define a function to solve the corresponding Kalman filtering problem.

function K_filtering(A,Q,Ysignal,Σz,Σ0 ; maxit=10000,tol=1e-10,w=1)
    err = 1
    iter = 0
    while (err > tol) & (iter < maxit)
        global Knew = Σ0*Ysignal*inv(Ysignal'*Σ0*Ysignal .+ Σz)
        global Σp_temp = Σ0 - Knew*Ysignal'*Σ0
        global Σ1 = A*Σp_temp*A' + Q*Q'

        err     = norm(Σ1 - Σ0,2)/norm(Σ0,2)
        Σ0 = w*Σ1 + (1-w)*Σ0

        #println("Iteration $iter. Difference: $err")
        iter += 1

nothing #hide

Now find the capacity utilized under Woodford’s formulation such that it yields the same information flow as the optimal signal under ratinoal inattention.

Ywoodford = [1;0]
Σ1_init =Σ_1

Σz_new_b  = 0.01
Σz_new_u  = 0.1
Σz_new    = (Σz_new_b+Σz_new_u)/2
for i in 1:10000
    (Knew,Σ1_new,Σp_temp) = K_filtering(A,Q,Ywoodford,Σz_new,Σ1_init;w=0.5)
    capa_woodford = 0.5*log(det(Σ1_new)/det(Σp_temp))/log(2)

    if capa_woodford > capa_opt
        global Σz_new_b  = Σz_new
        global Σz_new_u  = Σz_new
    global Σz_new    = (Σz_new_b+Σz_new_u)/2
    err = abs(capa_woodford - capa_opt)
    if err < 1e-5

Calculate impulse responses under Woodford's formulation

e_k = 1;
x   = zeros(2,12);
xhat= zeros(2,12);
a   = zeros(2,12);

for ii in 1:12
    if ii==1
        x[:,ii]     = Q*e_k;
        xhat[:,ii]  = (Knew*Ywoodford')*(x[:,ii]);
        x[:,ii]     = A*x[:,ii-1];
        xhat[:,ii]  = A*xhat[:,ii-1]+(Knew*Ywoodford')*(x[:,ii]-A*xhat[:,ii-1]);
    a[:,ii]  .= H'*xhat[:,ii];

output_woodford  = (x[1,:] - a[1,:]) ;
output_woodford  = [0;output_woodford] ;
nothing #hide

Before plotting the IRFs, we also solve the case with strategic complementarity.

The Case with Strategic Complementarity

We now turn to the example with strategic complementarity. As in our Example 2, we first define a function to solve the fixed point with endogenous feedback.

function ge_drip(ω,β,A,Q,          #primitives of drip except for H because H is endogenous
                 α,                #strategic complementarity
                 Hq,               #state space rep. of Δq
                 L;                #length of truncation
                 H0       = Hq,    #optional: initial guess for H (Hq is the true solution when α=0)
                 maxit    = 200,   #optional: max number of iterations for GE code
                 tol      = 1e-4)  #optional: tolerance for iterations
    err   = 1;
    iter  = 0;
    M     = [zeros(1,L-1) 0; Matrix(I,L-1,L-1) zeros(L-1,1)];
    while (err > tol) & (iter < maxit)
        if iter == 0
            global ge  = Drip(ω,β,A,Q,H0; w=0.9);
            global ge  = Drip(ω,β,A,Q,H0; ΩΩ, ΣΣ_1, maxit=100);

        XFUN(jj) = ((*')*ge.A)^jj * (*') * (M')^jj
        X = DRIPs.infinitesum(XFUN; maxit=L, start = 0);  #E[x⃗]=X×x⃗

        XpFUN(jj) = α^jj * X^(jj)
        Xp = DRIPs.infinitesum(XpFUN; maxit=L, start = 0);

        H1 = (1-α)*Xp'*Hq;
        err= 0.5*norm(H1-H0,2)/norm(H0)+0.5*err;
        H0 = H1;

        iter += 1;
        if iter == maxit
            print("GE loop hit maxit\n")
        elseif mod(iter,10) == 0
            println("Iteration $iter. Difference: $err")

    print(" Iteration Done.\n")
nothing #hide

Now, we solve for the optimal signal structure under rational inattention.


ρ   = 0.9;        #persistence of money growth
σ_u = 0.1;        #std. deviation of shocks to money growth
α   = 0.85;        #degree of strategic complementarity
L   = 40;         #length of truncation
Hq  = ρ.^(0:L-1); #state-space rep. of Δq

ω   = 0.08;
β   = 1 ;
A   = [1 zeros(1,L-2) 0; Matrix(I,L-1,L-1) zeros(L-1,1)];
M   = [zeros(1,L-1) 0; Matrix(I,L-1,L-1) zeros(L-1,1)]; # shift matrix
Q   = [σ_u; zeros(L-1,1)];
nothing #hide


ex_ge   = ge_drip(ω,β,A,Q,α,Hq,L) ;
nothing #hide
Iteration 10. Difference: 0.0019552334926346503
 Iteration Done.

Print capacity utilized in with strategic complementarity:

capa_ge = DRIPs.capacity(ge)

Measure performance for random values of ω

using Suppressor
@suppress @benchmark ge_drip(ω,β,A,Q,α,Hq,L) setup = (ω = 0.1*rand())
  memory estimate:  348.71 MiB
  allocs estimate:  43486
  minimum time:     283.261 ms (7.39% GC)
  median time:      290.786 ms (7.18% GC)
  mean time:        294.165 ms (7.51% GC)
  maximum time:     317.900 ms (7.65% GC)
  samples:          17
  evals/sample:     1

Calculate IRFs

geirfs  = irfs(ex_ge,T = L) ;

dq = diagm(Hq)*geirfs.x[1,1,:];
q  = inv(I-M)*dq ;
output_ge_opt  = q - geirfs.a[1,1,:] ;
output_ge_opt  = [0;output_ge_opt] ;
nothing #hide

Finally, to compare with the IRFs under Woodford (2002)’s specification, we find signal noise such that it yields the same information flow as the optimal signal structure.

Ywoodford_ge = Hq
Σ1_init  =Σ_1

Σz_new_b = 0.05
Σz_new_u = 0.12
Σz_new   = (Σz_new_b+Σz_new_u)/2

for i in 1:10000
    (Knew,Σ1_new,Σp_temp) = K_filtering(A,Q,Ywoodford_ge,Σz_new,Σ1_init;w=0.5)
    capa_woodford = 0.5*log(det(Σ1_new)/det(Σp_temp))/log(2)

    if capa_woodford > capa_ge
        global Σz_new_b  = Σz_new
        global Σz_new_u  = Σz_new
    global Σz_new    = (Σz_new_b+Σz_new_u)/2
    err = abs(capa_woodford - capa_ge)
    if err < 1e-5

XFUN(jj) = ((I-Knew*Ywoodford_ge')*A)^jj * (Knew*Ywoodford_ge') * (M')^jj
X = DRIPs.infinitesum(XFUN; maxit=L, start = 0);  #E[x⃗]=X×x⃗

XpFUN(jj) = α^jj * X^(jj)
Xp = DRIPs.infinitesum(XpFUN; maxit=L, start = 0);

H1 = (1-α)*Xp'*Hq;
nothing #hide

Calculate impurse responses under Woodford's signal

e_k = 1;
x   = zeros(40,40);
xhat= zeros(40,40);
a   = zeros(1,40);

for ii in 1:40
    if ii==1
        x[:,ii]     = Q*e_k;
        xhat[:,ii]  = (Knew*Ywoodford_ge')*(x[:,ii]);
        x[:,ii]     = A*x[:,ii-1];
        xhat[:,ii]  = A*xhat[:,ii-1]+(Knew*Ywoodford_ge')*(x[:,ii]-A*xhat[:,ii-1]);
    a[:,ii]  .= H1'*xhat[:,ii];
dq = diagm(Hq)*x[1,:];
q  = inv(I-M)*dq ;
output_ge_woodford  = q - a[1,:] ;
output_ge_woodford = [0;output_ge_woodford] ;
nothing #hide

We now have all the IRFs to replicate Figure (6)

Replication of Figure (6)

p1 = plot(0:12,[output_woodford output_opt],
    title       = L"The case of $\xi=1$",
    color       = [:black :gray40], markerstrokecolor = [:black :gray40],
    ylim        = (-0.003,0.053),
    ytick       = (0:0.01:0.05))
p2 = plot(0:12,[output_ge_woodford[1:13] output_ge_opt[1:13]],
    title       = L"The case of $\xi=0.15$",
    color       = [:black :gray40], markerstrokecolor = [:black :gray40],
    ylim        = (-0.005,0.105),
    ytick       = (0:0.02:0.1))
    layout      = (2,1),
    label       = ["Woodford Model" "Model with optimal signals"],
    legend      = :topright,
    marker      = [:circle :star8], markersize = [5 5], markercolor = [:false :gray40],
    xlim        = (0,12),
    xtick       = (0:1:12),
    xlabel      = "Time",
    lw          = 1.5,
    legendfont  = font(8), titlefont = font(10), guidefont = font(9), tickfont = font(8),
    size        = (700,400),
    grid        = :off, framestyle = :box)

Ex. 4: Business Cycle Model with News Shocks

In this section, we replicate the business cycle model with news shocks in Section 7 in Mackowiak, Matejka and Wiederholt (2018).



The techonology shock follows AR(1) process:

\[\begin{aligned} z_{t} = \rho z_{t-1} + \sigma \varepsilon_{t-k} \end{aligned}\]

and the total labor input is:

\[\begin{aligned} n_{t} = \int_0^1 n_{i,t} di . \end{aligned}\]

Under perfect information, the households chooses the utility-maximizing labor supply, all firms choose the profit-maximizing labor input, and the labor market clearing condition is:

\[\begin{aligned} \frac{1-\gamma}{\psi + \gamma}w_{t} = \frac{1}{\alpha}(z_t - w_t). \end{aligned}\]

Then, the market clearing wages and the equilibrium labor input are:

\[\begin{aligned} w_{t} & = \frac{\frac{1}{\alpha}}{\frac{1-\gamma}{\psi+\gamma} + \frac{1}{\alpha}} z_t \equiv \xi z_t \\ n_t & = \frac{1}{\alpha}(1-\xi) z_t. \end{aligned}\]

Rational Inattention

Firms wants to keep track of their ideal price,

\[\begin{aligned} n_{t}^* = \frac{1}{\alpha} z_t - \frac{1}{\alpha} \frac{\psi + \gamma}{1 - \gamma} n_t \end{aligned}\]

where $n_{t} = \int_0^1 n_{i,t} di$. Then, firm $i$'s choice depends on its information set at time $t$:

\[\begin{aligned} n_{i,t} = E_{i,t} [n_{t}^*]. \end{aligned}\]

Note that now the state space representation for $n_{t}^*$ is determined in the equilibrium. However, we know that this is a Guassian process and by Wold's theorem we can decompose it to its $MA(\infty)$ representation:

\[\begin{aligned} n_{t}^*=\Phi(L)\varepsilon_t \end{aligned}\]

where $\Phi(.)$ is a lag polynomial and $\varepsilon_t$ is the shock to technology. Here, we have basically guessed that the process for $p_{i,t}^*$ is determined uniquely by the history of monetary shocks which requires that rational inattention errors of firms are orthogonal (See Afrouzi (2020)). Our objective is to find $\Phi(.)$.

Now, as in our Example 2, we can represent the problem in a matrix notation.


β   = 1     ;   # Time preference
γ   = 1/3   ;   # Inverse of intertemporal elasticity of substitution
ψ   = 0     ;   # Inverse of Frisch elasticity
α   = 3/4   ;   # Labor share in production function
θ   = -1/α*(ψ+γ)/(1-γ)  ;
ξ   = θ/(θ-1)   ;

ρ   = 0.9   ;   #persistence of technology shocks
σ   = 1     ;   #std. deviation of technology shocks
ω   = 6.5   ;   # Information cost

L   = 40    ;   #length of truncation
k   = 8     ;   #news horizon

M   = [zeros(1,L-1) 0; Matrix(I,L-1,L-1) zeros(L-1,1)]; # shift matrix
Hz  = ρ.^(0:L-1)
Hz = (M^k)*Hz

A   = M     ;
Q   = [σ; zeros(L-1,1)] ;
nothing #hide

Also, define a function that solves the GE problem and returns the solution in a Drip structure:

function ge_drip(ω,β,A,Q,          #primitives of drip except for H because H is endogenous
                 α,                #strategic complementarity
                 Hz,               #state space rep. of z
                 L;                #length of truncation
                 w_out    = 0.5,    #optional: initial guess for H (Hq is the true solution when α=0)
                 H0       = Hz,    #optional: initial guess for H (Hq is the true solution when α=0)
                 maxit    = 200,   #optional: max number of iterations for GE code
                 tol      = 1e-6)  #optional: tolerance for iterations
    err   = 1;
    iter  = 0;
    M     = [zeros(1,L-1) 0; Matrix(I,L-1,L-1) zeros(L-1,1)];
    eye   = Matrix(I,L,L)
    while (err > tol) & (iter < maxit)
        if iter == 0
            global ge  = Drip(ω,β,A,Q,H0;w=0.5, tol=1e-8);
            global ge  = Drip(ω,β,A,Q,H0;w=0.9, tol=1e-8, ΩΩ, ΣΣ_1, maxit=1000);

        XFUN(jj) = ((*')*ge.A)^jj * (*') * (M')^jj
        X = DRIPs.infinitesum(XFUN; maxit=L, start = 0);  #E[x⃗]=X×x⃗

        H1 = (1/α)*Hz + θ*X'*H0 ;

        err= 0.5*norm(H1-H0,2)/norm(H0)+0.5*err;

        H0 = w_out*H1 + (1.0-w_out)*H0 ;

        iter += 1;
        if iter == maxit
            print("GE loop hit maxit\n")
        elseif mod(iter,10) == 0
            println("Iteration $iter. Difference: $err")

    print(" Iteration Done.\n")
nothing #hide

Solve and Measure Performance


ge      = ge_drip(ω,β,A,Q,α,θ,Hz,L)  ;
nothing #hide
Iteration 10. Difference: 0.008423206111917462
Iteration 20. Difference: 1.1340049707814608e-5
 Iteration Done.

Measure performance by solving the model for different values of ω:

@suppress @benchmark ge_drip(ω,β,A,Q,α,θ,Hz,L) setup = (ω = 6.5*rand())
  memory estimate:  597.88 MiB
  allocs estimate:  82340
  minimum time:     596.296 ms (6.48% GC)
  median time:      672.290 ms (6.01% GC)
  mean time:        677.960 ms (5.97% GC)
  maximum time:     775.863 ms (5.46% GC)
  samples:          8
  evals/sample:     1

Calculate IRFs and profit loss:

geirfs  = irfs(ge,T = L)         ;
profit_loss = sum((geirfs.x[1,1,:]/100 - geirfs.x_hat[1,1,:]/100).^2) ;

s = @sprintf("==: Profit loss from rational inattention = %6.5f", profit_loss)  ;
println(s) ;
nothing #hide
==: Profit loss from rational inattention = 0.00010

Replication of Figure (7)

n_opt   = geirfs.a[1,1,:]   ; # Optimal labor input under rational inattention
n_fullinfo = σ*1/α*(1-ξ)*Hz ; # Optimal labor input under full information

plot(1:30,[n_fullinfo[1:30] n_opt[1:30]],
    title       = "The impulse response of labor input to a productivity shock.",
    ylabel      = "Percent",
    label       = ["Equilibrium under perfect information" "Equilibirum when firms are subject to rational inattention"],
    legend      = :topright,
    color       = [:black :gray40], markerstrokecolor = [:black :gray40],
    marker      = [:circle :star8], markercolor = [:false :gray40], markersize = [5 5],
    ylim        = (-0.05,0.85),
    ytick       = (0:0.1:0.8),
    xlim        = (0,30),
    xtick       = (0:2:30),
    lw          = 1.5,
    legendfont  = font(8), titlefont = font(10), tickfont = font(8), guidefont = font(9),
    size        = (650,400),
    grid        = :off, framestyle = :box)

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